The Best Equestrian Panoramic 'Fails'

March 29, 2020  •  3 Comments

The Best Equestrian Panoramic 'Fails'

Most phones have a panoramic function on them, essentially a setting that stitches together a sequence of photos.  Some photos work out, others don't; the ones that 'fail' are definitely the best ones!  Here follows a collection of the best equestrian panoramic 'fails' on the internet to brighten your day.  

1/ The view from CDB Eventing's 3 headed horse


2/ Not sure this slinky horse was successful in the jump off #timefaults  @samanthyyyy 🇦🇺


3/ Do you think my saddle is a bit far forward?   Cerys Turner Photography


4/ I’ve seen a sausage dog but never a sausage pony 😂


5/ Judge: "Lacking activity behind" 



6/Really tucks herself up over a fence


7/No words needed


8/ Centi-horse, huge hay bills and expensive to shoe.



9/ Go follow Save A Horse Australia 



10/ 'Free walk on a long rein'. 

That spectator in the background morphed with the horses leg tho 🤣


11/ = dinoshorse


12/ (Credit unknown)


13/ Quarterhorse (Credit: Unknown)


14/ Not going to sleep tonight @naughty.norax


15/ We all have that one friend........ 


16/ I can't even.  That's enough internet for today 🤣


UPDATE November 2020.  Now if you haven't yet found the Facebook group ShitEventersUnite then you should probably should.  It's a feel good, friendly, no judgement group full of laugh out loud equestrian fail photos.  Michelle Renee Ardle shared the following photo to kick of a series of further pano fails that just had to be added to this blog!


17/ "I showed my daughter and said 'I think there's something wrong with your pony'.  Didn't think she'd believe the photo..... sobbing tears, oops lol, my bad haha"


18/ "Bit of turmeric will sort that out" 

📷 Angela Holmes


19/ "This was taken by my niece.... we seem to have turned into centipedes!" ~ Helen Rebecca


20/ "Must cost you a fortune in tendon boots"

📷 Linda Rivett


21/  Next minute someone reports you to the RSPCA

📷 Jamie-Lee Fox


22/ He's a little short in the neck and back isn't he?

📷Natasha Adams, Bethany Ansbro


23/ "Managed to lengthen her out throughout the ride"


24/ "I thought he was an XC jump" 

📷 Lycette Silvey


25/ "Oh god, double headed red that is what you call double trouble" 

📷 Rachel Cawley

ShitEventersUnite, thank you! 🤣


I hope that this collection of the best 'fails' on the net has bought a smile to your day.  Thank you to all contributors.  I hope this post found you well, keeping safe and if your country is affected by Coronavirus, staying at home.  Personally, I am finding it tough at the moment.  Both myself and my partner are key workers so we're working during the UK lockdown which causes anxiety on top of other personal worries.  When not working I'm keeping busy by creating web content such as this and also making sure my horse and his field buddy are okay.  We will all get through these uncertain times, they are temporary.  There will be lots more content to follow - doggos next?  Do leave comments/ suggestions/ say hello/ say where you are in The World.  

Please support Equipassion UK by following on socials - Follow Equipassion UK on Facebook and Follow Equipassion UK on Instagram.  There's a growing number of blog posts available on the website and we're continuing to create and share unique equestrian content.  


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